Our two 17year old sons will spent the next 11 months in the USA as exchange students. Today we started early in the morning (3:30) to the airport Frankfurt to bring our twins to the meeting point of AFS and to say good-bye to them. One son flies to Los Angelos, the other to Chicago.

The goodbye from our sons was very, very hard with many tears. It remembers me that they are no longer the little children as I saw them. And when they will come back in a year they will be young men.
Also it was very hard for me and my wife to let them go we know it was the right decision.
Our Sons Are Gone
Now, 10 hours later after the good-bye, our sons will be still in the air. I remember a song from my childhood ("Hänschen klein") which I see now from another view point as when I was young.
To Blog or not to Blog...
I decided to start this blog for the following reasons:
- to share my experience with other parents which may be in the same situation
- to keep our relations and friends informed about news from the US
- to improve my English (this is the reason why I don't write it in German; so please inform me when you find an error or strange phrase in this blog)
- to get some blog experience - I'm a greenhorn in this area
PS: Also this text is in English you can comment it in German if you like.
stay tuned (ob)
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