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Sunday, 9. September 2007
Review of the 1st Month
oboehm, 01:55h
One month ago Manuel and Philip left Germany. For us as parents this seems to be a long time ago. They both have a new familiy with new siblings who help them with their problems.
School has started for both and the school system is very different from Germany. School is usually from 8:00 AM till afternoon (3:00 PM) and a school hour goes over 70 minutes. Students must enter the classroom on time and they get much more homework as here in Germany.
The normal life differs also from here: all is bigger: the cars, the TVs and the distances. You go more often to a restaurant or snack bar than here.

One word to the organization for the students exchange: we had choosen AFS. The support of AFS looks very professional and we had a good feeling when our children left Germany.
School has started for both and the school system is very different from Germany. School is usually from 8:00 AM till afternoon (3:00 PM) and a school hour goes over 70 minutes. Students must enter the classroom on time and they get much more homework as here in Germany.
The normal life differs also from here: all is bigger: the cars, the TVs and the distances. You go more often to a restaurant or snack bar than here.

One word to the organization for the students exchange: we had choosen AFS. The support of AFS looks very professional and we had a good feeling when our children left Germany.
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