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Saturday, 12. July 2008
Back at School Again...
oboehm, 19:18h
One and a half week ago Philip and Manuel came back from America. The school year here in South Germany is not yet over so they have to go to school this week and next week. It is not easy for them because the school system and the teachers are so different from the American way of school.
What has changed for us? There is much more life in our house now and it seems that the house has shrunk. In the morning much more coordination is needed now because each of us wants to take a shower before to go to school or work.
On the one side Manuel and Philip are both more independent than one year before, on the other side they enjoy doing things together. Today they took their bike and went to the sports field to play soccer. There was only one lock for both bikes because Philip has broken his key when he was at downtown (and he had to carry his bike the whole way back). When Manuel and Philip came back from the sports field their bikes were locked together - Manuel has broken his key :-)
What has changed for us? There is much more life in our house now and it seems that the house has shrunk. In the morning much more coordination is needed now because each of us wants to take a shower before to go to school or work.

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