Sunday, 11. September 2011
Back from the USA
Last week we came back from the US and I need some time to arrive in my daily work. What I missed most is the free internet access at each corner (even in the plane you can find WiFi). On the other site I'm happy to have my normal breakfast each day. One of the first thing our daughter wanted was a pretzel when we landed in Stuttgart.
part 1 of the USA trip
We started our visit in New York which is a very busy (and never sleeping) city. After three days we rented a motorhome and went first to the north (to the Niagara Falls) before we went west to Whitefish Bay near Milwaukee. The first stop at a gas station we were a little surprised - we need nearly double so much gas as expected but the price for it was about half of the price in Germany (about 4$ per galeon).
In Whitefish Bay we had the luck to be part of the family where Manuel had been four years ago. His family was so friendly to us and we learned a lot of the Americans in these days. We had also some political discussions - this is something what I had not expected.
part 2 of the USA trip
While the weather was warm in Wisconsin the weather in California (where we flew from Milwaukee) was hot (except San Francisco). We spent one day in Lincoln, where we had an excellent Mexican dinner and nice day with Philip's host father from his time at school some years before. We had too less time to visit all the great national parks but some of we saw (and they were really great). Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon were the last big attractions before we went back and spent a (sunny and warm) day in San Francisco.

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