Sunday, 9. September 2007
First School Day (Manuel)
oboehm, 21:28h

I have free-time!!...ähm, not really. I still have to do much homework, despite I'm doing them nearly the whole afternoon. The school takes the time of all (!) the day...when school finishes, I have 2-3 hours cross country practice then I'm home at 6 o'clock or later and then I do my homeworks. Usually 2-4 hours a day!! That's a lot. The teachers are expecting many things from you! I have got many sheets to read, or a few sheets, with the rules of the teacher for the lessons, that I and my parents have to sign (with date of course!) and the homework!
And for changing the rooms for the next lessons I have exactly 4 minutes! If I'm too late, I will notice it in my mark or I have to stay after school for extra lessons, when I'm three times to late! The same with homeworks. But there are not really problems with finding my rooms. But at the first 2 days I was too late in Math and the Math teacher is very strict!! She looked so... =) angry?
The school "celebrates" its 75th year. (...) It was too bad, that the exchange students haven't been presented at the assembly! So, nearly no-one knows, that here are exchange students and doesn't really care about us. But, slowly, the pupils know it by talking each other... Here are 2 other German exchange students (one is from YFU, and I don't know him! I want to meet him!), one from Spain, and one from Brazil. In addition to that, here will be a girl from Brazil for half a year and three girls from a city near to Cologne for 3 month - this school has a partnership with their school and they are doing an exchange...
Yesterday there was a race from cross country (I wasn't really good =) but we had a lot of fun, and I could learn the other know a little bit more!) and after it I did my homework until 11:30 o'clock!!
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