Thursday, 8. November 2007
3rd Month - Review
oboehm, 09:27h
It is more and more business as usual. We get the news from America by email or read them in Philip's or Manuel's blog. Two weeks ago Manuel sent us a a mail about You know you are German when.... And as he told us (nearly) everything is true, or? ;-)
At school Manuel presented how he feels as an exchange student. As we heard from his host parents he is a good debater.
Philip´s 1st trimester comes to its end and this week he writes the first final tests and has to finish the program of his roboter. At the end of this week he will visit together with his family Florida and Disney Land. Enjoy it, Philip.
One of the biggest events last month was Halloween. It looks for us like carneval - everybody was dressed up and this took the whole week.
At school Manuel presented how he feels as an exchange student. As we heard from his host parents he is a good debater.
One of the biggest events last month was Halloween. It looks for us like carneval - everybody was dressed up and this took the whole week.
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