Friday, 2. May 2008
Nine 1/2 weeks
Time goes so fast and now there are 9 weeks (or less) till our boys will come back from America. Do they get a qualification when they leave school? How will be the last day of school? We hope they will learn a lot and enjoy the last weeks far away from home.

In the meantime we got the arrival date of Philip and Manuel. Philip will come back at 1st July at about 12 o'clock, Manuel will come the next day at 7o'clock early in the morning. So we have to go two times to Frankfurt which means about 2 hours driving.

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Sunday, 27. April 2008
Christmas Postcard Arrives
Today our neighbours got a postcard from Manuel which he sent before Christmas.

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Monday, 31. March 2008
This weekend the summertime has started here in Germany. It was a warm day (23°C) and it seems that spring is really coming now.

Philip and Manuel had a great time in Los Angeles as you can read in Philip's blog. But now Manuel is on his way back to Wisconsin.

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Sunday, 23. March 2008
Manuel meets Philip
Happy EasternYesterday Manuel and his family met Philip and his family in San Francisco and they had an exiting day in Alcatraz as you can read in Philip's blog. Seven month ago they saw each other the last time.

Here in South Germany it is cold and we enjoy white Eastern this year - it has snowed last night and also in the morning. This year it is the first year I didn't hide any eggs because Carmen does not want to search them without her brothers.

Happy Eastern

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Thursday, 20. March 2008
A walk on the Berkeley Boulevard
For a short time you can have a virtual walk on the Berkeley Boulevard where Manuel lives. You can walk e.g. to the high school in the E. Fairmount Avenue where Manuel goes to school each day.

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Sunday, 2. March 2008
Snow Blizzard over Gerlingen
Spring and the first snowdrops are coming more and more. But yesterday there was a small snow blizzard with thunder and lightning over Gerlingen. After an hour it was over and the sun was shining.

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Thursday, 28. February 2008
Manuel meets Kohl
Manuel and Senator Kohl Manuel wrote in his blog he met Senator Kohl from Wisconsin. And he saw a lot of attractions like the White House and other things (like a few people demonstrating against Mr. Bush).

At the moment there are no special news here from Germany except this video about "Facts about Germany" I found on YouTube.

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Saturday, 26. January 2008
Christmas Part III
One month after Christmas Philip's package with his presents and self-made calenders arrived at Gerlingen. Ok, he has warned us before because something went wrong with the calendars.

For Philip a new trimester has started while Manuel is at the end of his first semester and having his exams. Both follow the election campaign between Obama, Clinton and the other candidates. Even here in Germany you get the results of the pre-elections.

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Monday, 21. January 2008
Five and a half month ago Manuel and Philip left Germany to go to school in a foreign country. The goodbye was hard for both sides but Manuel and Philip are both welcome into their new families and we felt relieved that both are happy with their new families.

In the meantime Philip writes his emails no longer in German but in English and also when we phone with him there are some answers in English. Also Manuel wrote that he sometimes forgot the German phrase but this is a good sign. It shows that both have adopted the English language.

Both are well integrated in their new families and feel very well. They got new impressions and saw in this five month in America much more than the last five years. They noticed the beginning of the American election campaign which is very different to our system. Manuel was on an event with Obama and he was very pleased about him.

What is the big difference to Germany? First, school is like more to have a job: in the morning you go to school, eat at school and in the afternoon you leave school, each day at the same time. You have a strict schedule, e.g. exactly 4 minutes to find the classroom for the next lesson (Manuel had problems in the beginning because the building was new for him). After school you go to sport training and after that you have to do your homework. The teachers are stronger and get more respected as here (which is good) and there are much more tests than in Germany (which is also good). But the bandwidth of subjects is much smaller (which is not so good). There are more common activities at school than here and the "school spirit" is much more common. At contest the students stand to their school.

Another difference is sport: we have soccer and handball, the Americans have baseball and basketball. We have VfB Stuttgart and Bayern München, the Americans have the Packers and the New York Giants as I learned from Manuel's blog.

You know you are parents of AFS students...
  • ...when you send care packages into another countries,
  • ...when is one of your favorite web site,
  • ...when you realize that there is a difference between American English and English you learned at school,
  • ...when your son told you that the Australians have a funny accent,
  • ...when your wife suddenly wants to know how to write an email,
  • ...when you suddenly have to share your computer with other family members because they want to look for news,
  • get an answer about your picture of your christmas tree why it isn't decorated,
  • ...when you feel your heartbeat when you try to phone with America,
  • ...when you begin to register a Skype account for all members of your family,
  • ...when your parents ask you about the email adresses of your sons,
  • ...when you wonder how people in former times could have lived without the internet.

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Sunday, 20. January 2008
Carnival in Gerlingen
carnival in GerlingenToday there was a carnival parade in Gerlingen. First we didn't want to go to it because carnival in Swabien is not so much fun. If you really want to see carnival in Germany you must go to the Baden area or to the big capitals of carnival Cologne, Düsseldorf or Mainz.

carnival in GerlingenBut our daughter persuaded us to go. One of the big difference to other parades is that the candies are thrown discrete and sparse - this is Swabien carnival.

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